Early marketing set-up: 6x best practices for starting businesses

King Eve sees best marketing practices for starting businesses and scale ups a little differently.

Maybe it’s because we’re Dutch. Maybe it’s because we’ve seen quite some entrepreneurs setting sights on the wrong things and feeling stuck. Maybe it’s because we believe that in these times it’s important to rise above the collective hankering for meaningless attention on social media (that is, unless your an influencer and your revenues are correlated with the amounts of likes you get on instagram) and focus on real results instead.

Don’t get us wrong. We do believe in compelling newletters, sexy blog posts and clever social media ad campaigns. But we don’t believe in wanting all of that and even more at the same time with limited bandwidth and financial resources.

Wanting too much at the same time is confusing, demotivating and ineffective. The solution? Making choices. The even-better solution? Making informed choices!

With many of our clients, we found that it can be incredibly liberating to totally believe in yourself, dare to think big (in that sense, we’re not so Dutch) AND be realistic about the time and money you can invest in your marketing (that’s where Dutchness comes in handy). Oh yeah, AND actually make those investments, however small, and go for it.

King Eve’s tips or better said, smart ass questions to ask yourself if want to set up the best communication strategy for your business and get things going for you.

1. what’s your short-term KPI’s?

First of all ask yourself, what does your company want to get out of its marketing communication efforts on the short term? KPI’s are not only useful for big coporates. It reaps benefits for every brand and business to be straight goals and performance.

If you’re launching a new brand, getting things going on the short term is what matters most. Without short term, there’s no long term. So, what would most benefit the growth of your business over the coming 6 to 12 months?

2. what’s your short-term strategy?

Considering the above, what would be the ideal strategy to realize those short term goals? Who does your business want to address? Where can you find them? How can you reach them? What do you want them to do? How can you convince them to do that? What’s your unique offer?

3. what’s your long-term strategy?

Now, a bit of long term thinking. What would most benefit the growth of your business on the long term, let’s say the coming year or maybe two? If you’re like ‘actually, I’m not sure’, then drop it for now and let your results over the coming months inform your long(er) term strategy. If you’re clear about your long term strategy, consider hinting in this direction every now and then in your daily marketing communication.

4. what’s the scale of possibilities?

If your goals and ideal strategy are clear, then start thinking about the scale of your short term possibilities. Which resources can your company invest in marketing over the coming time? Think about money, but also think about your own time, the time of the people on your team, channels and accounts that already have traction, social or professional credits you got, goodwill in your network, etc. Think in mailings, posts and ads, but don’t forget about the value of a more qualitative approach, like personally calling sopmeone you happen to know who has relevant outreach or giving an interview for a magazine inside your niche.

5. What creative idea’s do you have?

To be clear about what your business can offer to whom is one thing, to do it in style is another. This is where the magic of creativity and storytelling comes in. Using your overall brand style as the baseline, think about the kind of communication that would best fit your beloved brand and business. What kind of campaign would suit you? What kind of valuable insights, funny facts or cool stories can you use for your social media posts? Take some time to get your creativity flowing. Write down your ideas, leave them for a bit, come back to them later and write down more or better ideas. Ask others for their ideas too. And don’t forget, always squeeze them through the seeve of the questions you answered before about priorities and possibilities. Enjoy!

6. What is the right balance and rythm?

By now you have a clear insight in what the possibilities are and what grabs the attention of your target groupsMixing and blending together all the above, it’s time to merge all the idea’s that have the highest value and make the most impact, into a clear content strategy. 

Want help with that from two clever ladies with lots of experience in this field? King Eve offers hands on guidance to help you distill a down-to-earth marketing strategy. To share your story with your market and attract, convert and retain customers in a natural way with a strategy that suits the style of your brand and fits in with the skills of you and your team.

You’re like ‘oh yeah, I want that right now’ (that wouldn’t be so Dutch, but hey) or you’re like ‘sounds interesting, I’d like to meet those ladies’? Then drop by for a free cup of coffee and a chat in our beautiful office next to Vondelpark (Dutchness goes together well with free coffee on a nice location next to Vondelpark, doesn’t it).

Send us an email: hello@kingeve.nl

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